Labels:crt screen | dialog box | laptop | monitor | sky | window OCR: Horoscope Explorer -Entry Screen Marriage Match Making Mode Fill the Male's details here Fil the Female's details here Select Language English Name: me Name her Date: 26/02/1979 Date: 30/10/1980 Horoscope Time: 04.50 AM PM Time 14 AM PM Marriage Time None -00.00 Time None -00.00 Varshaphala Corr Corr Country Romania +02.00 Country Romania +02.00 Place: Sibiu Place: Pitesti 045:45 024:09 044:52 024:54 PublicSof Generate So Change Software Settings like Kundli Style Ayanamsh Personal details and manage City/Country database Entry Screen Press F For Help 12:35 PM 9/26/2006 View